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On-page SEO tips to compete in 2018

For successful SEO campaigns and for higher SEO ranking the On-page EO plays a very important role. In  On-page SEO the optimization of each web page is done in order to provide the higher rank in the Search Engine Results Pages. There are many digital Marketing companies in India that are providing the best digital marketing service all over India.


The tips that can help you to achieve higher rank with the help of On-page SEO are:

Content Quality

Website with great content quality is the must for On-page SEO. The original and good content is must demand of the website to get the good SEO. The factors that should include in the content are:


  • It should be original
  • Content should not be published on any website before
  • Add text with videos and images
  • Add content that can add values to your website
  • Publish the content that is well researched

Page titles and Meta Descriptions

The page title is very important, it should be descriptive and detailed. When search engine reads your page the first thing that it will check is the page title and the description of the page. It will tell the search engine that what the page is all about. The page title helps the search engine to rank your page in the index. Each page should have a unique title.

  • Factors that keep in mind when setting up the page title are:
  • Add the target keywords to the beginning of the page title
  • Titles should not be long. Keep the characters length of the title below 60 characters because this is the average amount of characters displayed by Google.

Digital Marketing Agency in India helps you to get the better SEO ranking among all other competitor sites.

Meta description

  • The meta description should keep up to 160 characters
  • Avoid auto-generated description
  • Add the focus keyword in the description

Keyword research and Keyword Density

The keyword is a very important part of the content. The keyword density is a very necessary thing for the better SEO. Finding the profitable and higher volume keywords through keyword research tool is beneficial for SEO of any website.  The proper keyword density helps to boost the ranking, but the excessive repetition of the keyword can lead to poor ranking. The site can also be banned from the search engines. Keep the density rate of the keyword up to 2-5%.

Body Tags

The body tags are a very important thing. Break the content into small paragraphs and small sections to make it easy for people to read out. Put the body tags H1, H2, H3, H4, etc. tags where necessary. The H1 should be used for the page title. The H2, H3 headings should contain the focus keywords in it.

Use Google Web Master or Search Console

The Google webmaster helps you to show the index of the website. It will provide you with all the detail about the problems that preventing Google from indexing the web page. It also shows the detail about the ranking of the website. It is a very important tool to maintain the ranking of the website. Digital Marketing company in Kolkata is very reliable and famous to provide the best ranking in SEO.

Images and other multimedia elements

Images are an important part of the content of the website. Include the Alt Text and Descriptions for your images. It will improve the SEO. While using the image keep these things in mind.

  • Use original images
  • Optimize the size of the images the smaller the better
  • Use descriptive filenames for the image
  • Use ALT tag

The same thing should be for other social media like video and other things.

Internal and External Links

The linking also plays a vital role in increasing the SEO ranking. The internal links help to optimize the other pages inside the website. The internal links will decrease the bonus rate of the website and the user will spend more time on the website. By providing the external links the SEO of the website get the boost. Providing the external links on the website for high-quality related websites helps to build the good impact on the website.

Page Loading Speed

The loading speed of the website helps to boost the SEO rank. Speed plays a very important factor. Website speed does matter. Your website should load as fast as possible.


Sitemap and robots.txt

The sitemap in the website helps the search engine to crawl down easily through the web pages. The robots.txt file restricts access to your website by search engines. It tells the web robot that which page needs to crawl and which page do not need to crawl.

The Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata uses all the latest technologies and tools to help you to achieve the better On-page SEO ranking.